Original Linoprints by Peter Grant (member of Printmakers of Scotland), are available through the Online Shop.
The drawing or sketch is transferred to the Lino using good old fashioned Carbon Paper – remembering to reverse the image left to right, otherwise any lettering would be back to front, or the tram driver would be sitting on the wrong side!
Art Lino is “Battleship Grey”, quite soft and easy to cut.
The details of the picture are carved out using specialist cutters and gouges.
This can take days to do, and a different “block” is needed for each colour.
When cutting is finished the block is very carefully inked making sure that every part which is to print has an even film of ink – a job which takes practise – and a large waste paper bin!
Enormous pressure is required to transfer the ink to the printing paper.
Most artists use some type of Letterpress machine to make the prints.
There is nothing more rewarding than to peel back the paper to reveal the print (more or less) as you imagined it.